Sunday, October 18, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect--Keep At It!

Good morning! What? It's not a very good morning for you? I'm sorry to hear that.

Have you ever just felt sad or worthless? Felt that your wriitng just sucks and no one loves you and you need a big hug? We all have. It's important to keep in mind the old idiom that "practice makes perfect." If you want to get better, you have to write. You don't have to show anyone your embarrassing first short story, but writing and recognizing what you liked and disliked will help you become a better writer. Plus, realizing if things are just incorrect, such as grammar and facts, will teach you to research and learn your rules. You can learn which writing rules you want to break (such as the controversy over dialogue tags--use 'em or lose 'em) and which you like, and that will help you form a wriitng style of your own. You can cross the bridge from "okay" to "great" with practice and a little bit (or a lot) of faith.

Remember that when you're exhausted from schoolwork, projects, work, homework, and balancing your social life. Exhaustion can take a toll on you, but you have to aim for your goals. Writing can be very rewarding, and that happy, accomplished feeling is one thing I love about writing. It makes me feel so proud of myself, whether the work is good or bad, finished or incomplete. Never give up something you love because you're scared or afraid of doing badly. If you feel like you're not good enough, pull yourself up and pick up a pencil. Show yourself who's boss. You can write as well as anyone else as long as you keep at it. One of my English teachers always said, "Perfect practice makes perfect," but I completely disagree with that. Practice makes perfect, because you find what is and isn't perfect for you. There isn't one perfect way of writing; that's why there are so many different published authors. Everyone has a different way of writing and you'll find yours with time. Stick to it! You can do it!

Well, right now, I have to go work on my three AP projects and my homework, but while doing so, I'll think about how I'll get to work on my story later, so that will motivate me to get all of this boring stuff done. =] Email me at if you have any questions or comments! Time to go sharpen that pencil...

Question: Do you ever have those days when you feel unworthy and not good enough? How did you pull yourself up? And do you find writing rewarding?


  1. I think every writer has those feelings every once and a while. To be honest, I think you sort of just get over it until the next time. Just keep writing and it'll be forgotten eventually.

    Yes! I love writing and it's what I do to relax.

  2. Dialogue tags piss me off. Even if I avoid using the same word twice, conversations still have that annoying back-and-forth feel.

  3. I love your posts, and i simply adore you. thanks for the little pick me up comment. AP physics *is* hell. :D Thanks for the sympathy. lol.
