Sunday, January 10, 2010

You Know What I'm Talking 'bout!

Good evening, writers! I'm here on this lovely evening to discuss the controversy of using pop culture references in writing.

One of the main things we've been discussing on the forum lately is the use of pop culture references. Everyone has their own opinion on the use of pop culture in novels. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to use them, so I'll give you my pros and cons and you can choose.


1) Realism and Relate-ability:> For example, when you want a cup of Sprite, you don't say, "Pass the lemon-lime soda." No, you say, "Pass the Sprite." The dialogue flows a little easier and is a little more realistic with the brand name rather than the actual noun. The reader immediately knows what the character is talking about without an explanation. You could make up your own lemon-lime soda brand, like L2L (or some other letter-number combination), but you will then have to explain what the brand name is. Is it popular? Is it a rare soda found in a market at the edge of town? Is it what the cool kids drink?

2) They add to the setting: In different parts of the world, people eat, drink, and use different things. In Japan, people may use chopsticks more and eat more rice and fish than people in the U.S. If you see a woman dressed in a kimono and sandals with socks and using chopsticks, you might be able to assume the story takes place in traditional Japan.


1) They date your novel: A character using Windows 98 who is obsessed with the band 98 degrees might be very relate-able to anyone in 1990s, but in the 2000s, we laugh and joke about old-fashioned things like Windows 98. If I were to use Windows 7 in a novel, it would only be up-to-date for so long before the novel would seem old and dated. It's only "cool" and "hip" for a limited time.

2) Your novel doesn't seem as original: Sure, having your characters go to Krispy Kreme sounds like fun, but isn't having your characters get their doughnuts from Dori's Donuts much more exciting? In my opinion, having original references make your novel 100% original and just keeps it timeless and enjoyable.

Just remember: less is more. Some references are good, giving the reader a connection to the character, yet some should be avoided.

Well, that's all I have for you today. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at Time to go sharpen that pencil...

Questions: Do you use pop culture references in your novels? Why or why not?

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