Good evening, followers! The word of the week is "advise," as in to inform or give advice. It was actually a Middle English word used in the 14th century from Anglo-French word "aviser," which came from the word "avis," meaning "opinion." It makes sense; some people often advise others with their opinions, not necessarily facts.
Today's topic, my friends, is decisions. We all have problems and each problem has some form of solution. Every character is different, therefore their decision-making processes will be different. While I like to pace when I'm thinking and ask others for help, a character of mine would rather make a guess based on what he knows and make his own mistake than dare ask anyone for help. Getting a grip on your character's thought process (especially if the story is in first-person) is very important for writing an understandable and realistic novel.
After you get a good-enough idea of how your character's mind works, it will seem like they're practically making the decisions on their own. It just takes some ground work! Really explore through your character's head and they'll start working on their own.
Well that's all for today, bloggers! I hope you enjoyed today's post. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at Time to go sharpen that pencil...
Question: How do you and your characters go about making decisions?